DC Bound!

It's my first trip away from my girls. I'm nervous, anxious and excited all at the same time. While I know they are in the great hands of my mother, I still worry about them. Mostly Ash. She's Mommas girl and has been teething like crazy. LB will be fine. She's so adaptable. 

My trip will consist of 3 conferences. The first is the Buddy Walk organizers training. They will bring together other organizers and associations to discuss ways to make your walk spectacular and successful. 

The second is the Buddy Walk to Washington. To say I'm stoked about this one is an understatement!! Well have the training to become an advocate and then speak to decision makers with Congress about the Able Act. It will be so informative and beneficial for Lb and her pals of it's passed. I'll be soap boxing about this one a lot so please stay tuned! 

The the last conference is the DSAIA leadership conference. This is a conference for all those trying to make their affiliates and organizations the best they can be. It's an informative and networking opportunity that will offer great resources in the future. 

I wanna share all the goods that I gain from these conferences so please stay tuned! 

Until next time!


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