Weekend Wrap Up :: Metra Edition

Yup, Metra means train. Please forgive me for any typos as I type in the only spare time I have to write this poor failing blog.

LB got some shots last week. Her 6 month vaccines to be exact. We've been waiting to get clearance from the liver issues to get them. While we've yet to see the GI doc (insert nightmare receptionist) our pediatrician was ready to get her vaccinated ASAP. She fears the simple whooping cough could be harmful to her. I have a new respect for this as Lb's PT lost her nephew to whooping cough just a couple years go. So, the pedi thought we'd be safe since her liver function numbers were at an all time low. Booyah!!! Did I mention the 50's?!? Sorry, just gets me all hyped up!

We did get a formula switch, of which I saw coming though. She's on the alumintem (sp?) aka, liquid gold. Thank heavens for the Internet because one post on Facebook and a google search later, we have a ton of coupons coming and a few other options to look into. She also upped her acid reflux meds which isn't surprising either. I had heartburn the entire time I was preggers. That myth about hair- SO NOT TRUE! Have you seen my child?? We do have one hair that is sticking up, proudly saluting the world. Unfortunately LB will not be still enough for my camera to focus that tiny blonde thing. Ha! It's great to see it coming in semi blonde though. Her eyes are also a steady blue. Loves it! (the bolden side are all brunette and brown eyes!) jays father and I are the only outsider with blue eyes.

In other Bolden news, Daddy has been hard at work with the Snow Programs. He's such an amazing husband and father. I'm really such a lucky gal.

The pups are doing ok too. Tootsies poor allergies have given her fits alll winter. I wish they would give her a break. We're working hard to keep her comfortable. Poor gal. In the meantime, she eats well and sleeps in a king size bed. Porsche has been guarding the garage. It's her new oasis. They both have been clawed by Lb now as she reaches for them often. She's DyinG to get her hands on Tootsies tongue! They both run from her. They really have no clue what they're in for.

We're heading to KY for Derby this weekend. So excited to see my family!
Visits are too far between for sure.

Leighty-bug had her first ride in an actual swing this weekend. She loved it! Also, first trip to Chik-fil-a, hobby lobby and michaels so she got to experience sitting in a shopping cart like a big girl! For therapy were working on textures; insert first taste AND feel of cool whip!

Here are a few pics to highlight those sweet moments in the Bolden crib.

Until next time...


  1. not sure how long your staying but hope you have a great time and a safe trip both ways!

  2. Aw, that third picture...What a smile, she is too sweet :)


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