31 Day Challenge

It's the last day of my torture, uh, I mean challenge. I kid. It's actually been good for me. I needed to get a handle on my "impulse shopping" as my husband calls it.

I found it to be hardest at work. When I wanted a Starbucks or ordering in because my lunch I packed wasn't calling my name. Not to mention, I avoided all Target, Walmart and of course Hobby Lobby's in order to make this happen. I'm sure stocks had to plummet because of me. Those places allowed me to get lost in them. I just cruised the aisles for hours. Kinda therapeutic!

I learned a few things too.

In my crafting life, I learned:
I need to complete the free craft projects when I can and finish what you start before moving on to next said project. Buying new stuff doesn't offer any additional enjoyment that the old projects couldn't offer. I also got more done when I had more time from not shopping. Plus, that whole finishing what you start has some reward to it.

In my everyday life I learned:
I have a shopping addiction. It's true. I admit it. Leighton probably doesn't need 1 more pair of pink pants when her closet is full of them. I probably don't need yet another t-shirt just because they are on sale. Yes, I do have issues with buying containers. Any size will do. I don't discriminate on size, style, color or type.

But most importantly, I learned how often money flows through my fingers without thinking about it. I learned that I need to think about needs versus wants. I joke a lot as I write this post, but I'm usually a practical spender for the most part. When it comes to big items anyway. It's usually the small things that get me and those add up to bigger line items on the budget than I realized. The first step is admitting the problem, right?!

Now that I have made it a month, I don't think I'll go back to my careless ways, but I'm not going to deprive myself of the pure joy I get from that fun find of the Target dollar aisle either. I also will not go another month without gracing Target & Hobby Lobby with my presence. That would be rude of me as they have so graciously been a part of my life for so many years. I have been a RedCard member since 1998!! That's the longest commitment I've had in my entire life!

However, the hubby and I will be or have already made some changes. I gave up my 502 area code to combine cell plans; were getting rid of cable (I can hear the gasps from everyone now); and were selling the BMW with its lovely monthly payment and insurance. My husband drives a 1985 (not really the year but I'm not sure what it is) Corolla/hoopty to save on gas; and we're stay-at-home dinner people anyway. These are our attempts to cut spending where we can. Thus far no one has been injured in the process.

Any fun budget tips? Please share as I welcome any and all fun frugalness!

Until next time...


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