It’s Tuesday and to continue our ABLE Act advocacy week, please take a few minutes to contact yourSenators and Representatives that have NOT yet cosponsored the ABLE Act using social media. It only takes a few seconds and we’ve done all the work for you.
You can get the links directly to your Members’ social media accounts here. Below are several sample Tweets and Facebook posts for you to use:
SAMPLE TWEETS @SenJohnMcCain please join your fellow 46 Senators and 269 Representatives and cosponsor #ABLEAct (S 313/HR 647) today. Help all people with #disabilities. #passtheABLEAct
@SenJohnMcCain my child needs your support of the #ABLEAct (S 313/HR 647) so they can earn a living and live independently! #passtheABLEAct
@SenJohnMcCain The #ABLEAct (S 313/HR 647) is crucial to AZ families! Cosponsor today! #disabilities. #passtheABLEAct
FACEBOOK POSTS Senator/Representative XXX, please cosponsor the ABLE Act (S. 313/H.R. 647). Join 46 of your Senate and 270 of your House colleagues and support this legislation that will help people with disabilities! I am from CITY/STATE and request that you cosponsor the ABLE Act today!
Senator/Representative XXX, please cosponsor the ABLE Act (S. 313/H.R. 647)! The ABLE Act has 46 cosponsors in the Senate and 270 cosponsors in the House. As a constituent, we need your support on this important bill. The ABLE Act will give individuals with disabilities and their families the ability to save for their child's future just like every other American family.
Please continue to send emails and make calls using our action alert system:
ABLE Act Email Template ABLE Act Phone Script
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