Land of the Lost
This might be a record for the longest I have gone without writing. Over a month! There are many reasons excuses I could give for my lack of attention to you, poor blog.
I will start with my literary choices. I know, I know... I blamed Hunger Games before. This time, I shall blame it on Christian Grey. Read it and you will understand. Not to mention, life. It has just flown by and to my pure enjoyment, I have spent the times that I used to blog either asleep or in the sun.
It's been a great summer for the Bolden's thus far. We have tried to get to the cottage every weekend we can. We also took a trip to the Ville to do some vacationing. I had to get my hubby to some good restaurants and places that put Louisville on the map or he might've had my head on a platter.
Then there is the whole pregnancy thing... going well for sure. But OH SO DIFFERENT. I feel terrible that I don't have more to write about in regards to my new nugget of joy, but I honestly forget that I am pregnant sometimes. Until I go to find something to wear, of course. That's the beauty of being pregnant in different seasons. All the maternity you planned for last time is opposite of the size you need. Nonetheless, I have been pretty blessed yet again with a very easy pregnancy. I have a few weeks of nausea and headaches but never got sick. Now I am in the second trimester and life is good. I'm still pretty tired and in true "me" fashion, my nesting has kicked in quite early.
We are gearing up for LB's first birthday. What a shindig that shall be. In addition to that week, well be finding out what our lil nugget is too! So exciting.
To top off our madness, we're doing a lot of work to the house. We are quite busy you could say. But having a blast!!
I'll post more soon... As we have more info to share.
Until next time,
I will start with my literary choices. I know, I know... I blamed Hunger Games before. This time, I shall blame it on Christian Grey. Read it and you will understand. Not to mention, life. It has just flown by and to my pure enjoyment, I have spent the times that I used to blog either asleep or in the sun.
It's been a great summer for the Bolden's thus far. We have tried to get to the cottage every weekend we can. We also took a trip to the Ville to do some vacationing. I had to get my hubby to some good restaurants and places that put Louisville on the map or he might've had my head on a platter.
Then there is the whole pregnancy thing... going well for sure. But OH SO DIFFERENT. I feel terrible that I don't have more to write about in regards to my new nugget of joy, but I honestly forget that I am pregnant sometimes. Until I go to find something to wear, of course. That's the beauty of being pregnant in different seasons. All the maternity you planned for last time is opposite of the size you need. Nonetheless, I have been pretty blessed yet again with a very easy pregnancy. I have a few weeks of nausea and headaches but never got sick. Now I am in the second trimester and life is good. I'm still pretty tired and in true "me" fashion, my nesting has kicked in quite early.
We are gearing up for LB's first birthday. What a shindig that shall be. In addition to that week, well be finding out what our lil nugget is too! So exciting.
To top off our madness, we're doing a lot of work to the house. We are quite busy you could say. But having a blast!!
I'll post more soon... As we have more info to share.
Until next time,
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