The Weekend Edition :: Lots of Updates

Derby, Awards and Mother's Day, OH MY!

Yup, I have been hard at mommy-hood, needless to say, not blogging (or studying either..eek). I do have some great pics to share though.

In the Bolden world, we have been traveling, celebrating, working on therapy, LB found her voice (LOUDLY) and I had my first OFFICIAL Mother's Day Week!

We went to KY for Derby as we normally do. After driving through TERRIBLE weather to get there - yes, I said we should pull over and wait it out, the hubby insisted on driving (his words: I am a professional) and we trudged on in the Fucus through the torrential downpours. The weekend was gorgeous and one of my horses won. Yes, I bet on many. It's only once a year.. cut a gal some slack. We had great times with family too. LB had her first meeting with many members of my extended family. That was fun. Not to mention, her first "grass encounter" and she liked it, surprisingly.

We also celebrated LB's first award. Pics below. The Down Syndrome Association of NWI has an awards banquet each year where you can make up the award based on the recipients recent milestones and accomplishments. When the info was due, LB hadn't really hit a full milestone like rolling over, or sitting up - which we are rocking now! So we went with Bravest Baby due to her patience with her parents and doctors during her Liver Drama. It was a fun night and we had a great time. The theme was the red carpet, complete with a walk of fame, etc. It was a good time and glad to see so many smiling faces. I am really excited for her to hit the big ones and we can have our own little awards ceremony every time!

Jay headed off to another Snow weekend. Yup, on Mother's Day weekend. My first one too. HA! He made up for it though and celebrated my Mother-ness all the days leading up to the day. So technically, I had a full week of celebrating me. Then we get to do it again in a few weeks as I (QUIETLY) celebrate my birthday. A good dinner is all this gal needs anymore. It used to be a week long event complete of festivities with everyone involved. Now, it's another day on the calendar to remind me that I am getting older. Funny how things change, isn't it? You know you are a momma when you go to Target and spend far too much and bought yourself NOT ONE THING! I celebrate my life everyday when I go into LB's room and she greets me with that precious grin. Every. Single. Morning. It makes my whole day.

As I mentioned, LB found her voice. Yup, all high pitching, ear piercing, octaves of it. It's adorable but oh so loud sometimes. In therapy news, she is sitting well and we are still working on that whole crawling thing. Careful what you wish for, I say. She will be all over the place soon enough. She is clapping now too! So exciting to watch her learn new things or see things for the first time. Bubble baths were a first yesterday. Simply priceless!

Jay is gearing up for the end of another school year. He is as giddy as the kids. Then he and LB will be all fun this summer! Good for them. Yup, I am VERY jealous. But whatcha-gonna-do?! Maybe I'll have him write the blog updates for the summer just to keep on top of them. ;)

Until next time...


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