Quick Snippet

It's Saturday afternoon and Jay and I are heading out for a much needed date night. Our last solo trip was his bands show in Nov. So it's been a while.

I think we're both just as excited to see Hunger Games too! Not to mention, we're both a little anxious about Monday.

LB goes for her liver biopsy on Monday morning. I'm confident that well finally get answers, but more anxious that she's having a serious procedure. We should hear something from the doctor by Wed. Hopefully no longer. Not sure my nerves can handle that. Should be a quick trip in and out pending all goes well.

They're trying to determine the reason her little liver feels it should work so hard. While her number have been steady, they're still high. The live can regenerate but should it develop scare tissue, that won't happen. In an effort to confirm whats going on, they want to prevent any scar tissue. I'm ok with all of this and as I said before, anxious to get results.

You'd never know anything was going on with our peanut. She's such a trooper! Happy as ever! She certainly enjoyed the early summer too.

I'll keep posting anything we find out. Until then, keep our munchkin in your prayers for a speedy, safe procedure that provides the results we need.

Until next time,


  1. I'll be thinking of you guys Monday.

  2. Keeping your Lady-Leighton in my prayers that all will be good!

  3. Have a fun date night! I hope all goes well Monday.

  4. Thinking about you guys today.


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