Therapy & Whatnot

Well, it's 4 days into my challenge and I'm all over it with a second post!

We have a busy week ahead of us. Being that it's Wednesday, I should probably say a busy couple of days. Not to fret, my craft-of-the-week will be done come Sat. (I'm sure you were worried.)

Tonight Leighty-bug is going to her first kinder music class. She LOVES music and really responds well to it. The therapist said to involve her in everything she responds to. She literally sings in the car and I would swear that she sang an entire Justin Bieber Christmas song one day. To my husbands dismay of course.

They have an art class with it, but she hasn't taken a liking to crayons yet. Trust me, when shes ready to get her craft on, that will be a happy day for this momma!

Friday we have her second First Steps evaluation. I was really dreading the first one. Mostly because I thought she was doing so well and she was so young I didn't want them to burst my bubble. Well, they did the opposite and told me she was doing great and not ready for any therapy. Being a new mom and not knowing much about the whole therapy thing, I praised the lord for not having to start it. I have later learned that her "denial" meant that we didn't have the opportunity to be as pro-active as we planned to be. FS is also an income based program so because my husband and I have worked our butts off to have good jobs, we will now have to pay an arm and a leg for the therapy. So I did some research and got her into a therapy facility on our own. They don't come to the house, which is nice about FS, but they work well with her. We love her PT Mickey! And it's covered by insurance. Would've been nice if FS would've let me know they have services that can be covered. Needless to say, I am none too happy with the service FS has provided nor do I look forward to our additional eval this Friday. We shall see how it goes.

My thought on therapy is to give her as many tools as possible to be as strong and as successful as possible. I will not accept anyone telling me that there are "issues" that come with Ds and you just deal with them if there are things that can be done to prevent, correct or help my daughter. I ain't no pushover momma people! (I picture a hand on my hip and a finger pointing at someone when I say that I. My KY accent at its strongest!)

Leighty-bug is a tough cookie too. She's trying so hard to sit up! After her roll from back to front, she's been getting stronger and stronger. We're still working on her tone in her neck and her muscles in her tummy, but that lil gal is whoopin up in some sit ups with daddy. Poor girl has a coach for a daddy and a crazy momma. She's in for it!

Last week we had some testing done on her "muddy" diapers as well as some blood work. Shes had diareha for nearly 2 months so they wanted to find the cause. The Dr. put her on soy formula and that has certainly made it thicker and oh so stinkier! Now she's having some constipation too. So we need her to work in her stomach strength to pass the soy-ness. The good news is that the Celiac and Thyroid tests were normal. pheww.

Shes in much better spirits, that's for sure.

So, until next post.


  1. Oh my goodness she is too cute for words and getting so big! It's ironic that the one thing we want is a great evaluation and for people to tell us how well our little ones are doing...but that does usually result in less therapy! It's frustrating at times, but keep working hard and enrolling her in all of the fun activities she enjoys and it will pay off!

  2. That's great all her blood work came back good. I love hearing updates on this sweet little girl, sounds like she is doing fantastic!! And really she couldn't be any cuter :)


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